
If you would like to learn how my real-world experiences can help your board make better ethical decisions, I look forward to speaking with you.
Shareholders, other stakeholders and our government have entrusted great responsibility in the Boards of Directors of our public, private and not-for-profit corporations. As directors, we have the power to create great wealth, job creation and innovation. We can help lead our country and the world into a new era of financial growth and expansion.
I believe that public, private, and not-for-profit Board’s and companies which develop, and, more importantly, use an ethical framework in guiding their governance and oversight, will improve their decision-making and performance.
Many ethics presentations are either sanctimonious and preachy or simplistic and useless. I am in the trenches every day and I understand that ethical decisions can be hard. I prepare programs on ethics for directors, which encourage thoughtful discussion and encourage participation. The cases I prepare are based on real experiences. If you would like to learn how my real-world experiences can help your board make better ethical decisions, I look forward to speaking with you.