Special Committees & Forensic Accounting

Special Committees & Forensic Accounting
I can help you and your board investigate claims, so you can concentrate on the success of your business.
In these litigious times, it is easy to be sued. Plaintiffs’ attorneys look for opportunities to file class action or derivative action lawsuits. As a board member, I have served as a chair and a member of special committees formed by boards to independently investigate claims arising from shareholder derivative actions, class action claims and/or SEC investigations.
I have performed the forensic accounting work required to investigate the claims and prepared a 45-page report whose conclusions were completed accepted by the Delaware Chancery Court. I have directed the work of major law firms and accounting firms whose conclusions have limited actions by the SEC and law enforcement agencies and have had derivative actions dismissed by the Courts. As either a board member or a consultant, I can help you and your board investigate claims made in litigation, by the SEC or other authorities and help you in putting these matters behind you so you can concentrate on the success of your business.